BEXOL OMEDA 68, 100, 150, 220, 320, 460

Article number: 120605

Category  :  Industrial Lubricants

Description  :  High-grade industrial gear oil, based on mineral oil, under addition of lead-free EP-additives to obtain the following properties:
- a very good resistance towards high pressures and hock loads
- a good resistance against high temperatures 
- good rust- and corrosion preventing properties 
- an excellent prevention from wear 
- a very good activity against foaming 
- a low pour point

Application  :  To be used for the lubrication of almost any type of industrial gear box, even when exposed to heavy duty and shock loads.

Performance Level  :  Performance level
AGMA 9005-E02 (EP)
AIST (US Steel) 224
David Brown S1.53.101 E
DIN 51517-3 CLP
ISO 12925-1 Type CKD