BEXOL Heavy Plus M 10W-40

Article number: 121014
Description  :  A "new generation" diesel engine oil, formulated with solvent refined base oils and a well-balanced choice of additives. This engine oil has the following properties:
- a very powerful detergency minimizing deposits in the hot zone of the engine
- a very strong dispersion that restricts deposits and cold sludge to a minimum
- a powerful activity against corrosion and foam
- a high and stable viscosity index
- a low sulphated ash number
- a powerful activity against wear resulting in strongly reduced wear of piston-rings and cylinder-liners
Application  :  This engine lubricant is applicable to gasoline and diesel engines (normally- or turbo-aspirated) even under the toughest operation conditions and all the year round. This engine oil has a special additive system and may therefore be used, when fuels with relatively high sulphur contents are involved. This special quality of engine oil is mainly developed to allow extended oil drain intervals and to prevent "bore polishing" (=cylinder-wear) in diesel engines.
Performance Level  :  API CI-4/SL
ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, E7
Meets the requirements of
MB 228.3/229.1
MAN M3275
Volvo VDS-3
MTU Type 2/Deutz DQC III-10
Mack EO-N, EO-M plus/Renault RLD, RLD-2
Cummins CES 20076,77,78
Caterpillar ECF-2, 1a
Global DHD-1
Typicals  : 
Density at 15 °C, kg/l   :  0,871
Viscosity -25 °C, mPa.s   :  6700
Viscosity 40 °C, mm²/s   :  91,60
Viscosity 100 °C, mm²/s   :  13,90
Viscosity Index   :  155
Pour Point, °C   :  -36
Total Base Number, mgKOH/g   :  10,5
Sulphate Ash, %   :  1,37

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